Monday, June 29, 2009

A Voice For The Mentally Ill

I just want to write about mental illness for a bit since this is the whole reason for my blog.Yes,I am mentally ill,like alot of people in our world who are.Some are high funtioning,like I'm believed to be regardless of what I cannot accomplish,I accomplish ALOT with the hand that I was dealt.I've been diagnosed as having everything mental under the God-fearing sun(Christian,please don't get offended).I am luckier than most still.To have an outlet to express myself,like writing is like a whole life line given to a drowning person.I realize how fortunate I am to have this,unlike most people who share my conditions and deseases.Contrary to popular belief,most mentally ill people Do Not have a gift,knack,or talent.Most mentally ill people are the faceless thousands you never hear about.The dozens of broken,abandoned,lost,absent faces that populate our planet.They are lost,forgotton,never looked upon twice.These people are the real reflection of the mentally ill.A mentally ill person is as good as dead in some places and cultures.He/she is mocked,beaten,and abused,outcast,rejected,and wholey misunderstood,yet most do not have a voice to speak of the absurdaties committed against them.Since I do,I felt that it was only fair to create my blog and to advacate to anyone who has lost their voice.These are their words.-Celeste

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