Sunday, June 14, 2009

Albert,He Ain't Me*

Albert and me differ on many things.Our logic is different,our quotes are different.We are not the same person.We are alike in some ways.We are both learning delayed,or in Albert's case,WAS,because Albert is dead,as some day I will be as well.I have come to realize certain other things in my life as well,thus far,for instance,I am not Emily Dickinson,or the Jewish girl who was kept in hiding for the duration of the Holocaust,I am not Helen Keller or The curer of cancer.We are different because They all 'Made It',and I didn't.Some others were discovered by accident,or a twist of faith.Some after Death,and some still,in life.Some of these individuals were able to realize their achievements before ultimate perishment. Some were not,if that is not to redundant.I am just another nobody face hidden behind Mental Illness,The uphill struggle of,like many others.I wish to be remembered,but have no clue as to how.I am no celebrity,or Nobel Prize winner,Scholar,though I DO thirst for knowledge.I am just another lonely heart trapped behind the face of Mental Illness.I want to chase my dreams,but my monsters end up chasing me instead.I want to be optimistic and hopeful,but I'm still teaching myself how.My dreams are out of reach,but that doesn't stop me from grabbing,and even though I come up empty handed,I continue to try.My hope is that someday,I am able to help others by first helping myself.I never thought That I was strong enough,but I'm fighting back now,and Mental Illness may be holding me down,but I still try to make it let me go,after all,I'm not dead yet.*Charlie*


  1. Great attitude Charlie, sounds like you have gained some strength, that's good.
