Friday, May 15, 2009

MOMENTS: i cried to much,the tears dried up-i have none left,to fill my empty cup-life has its' grief,the misory is untold,how can i heal,from these boken open wounds? i thought i'd died,burried the ashes inside-i thought i had lost-everything of pride. what i didn't know,was of my power to survive-these tears i cry,are proof that i have tried...*Charlie*


  1. Charlie, your blog is a great thing, I found the link on AB. I think you are an amazing person,
    a very strong person to manage life with so much
    going on and the difficulties you face. Just wanted to say I admire you a lot and thank you for sharing your story.

  2. I'm the one that feels admirable of people like yourself.You have heart and understanding.Thank you,my friend.We need more people like you,if you ever get this message,I appreciate it.;)*

  3. Oviously the advertizers think I mean litterally-Ha ha ha ha!!*Charlie*;)*
